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类别:公司新闻   发布时间:2023-11-06 00:14:02   浏览:

本文摘要:1.lie与lay的区别lie-lay lain-lying(躺)lie--lied- lied - lying( 说谎)laid- -laid -laying(放 ,置)①We lay down on the grass.我们在草地上躺下来。

1.lie与lay的区别lie-lay lain-lying(躺)lie--lied- lied - lying( 说谎)laid- -laid -laying(放 ,置)①We lay down on the grass.我们在草地上躺下来。(lay 是lie"躺”的已往式)②He is laying a carpet.他正在铺着毯子。

③You are lying. 你在撒谎。2.rise与raise①rise-- rose-- risen(起立,升起)是不及物动词;②raise-raised-raised(举起,饲养)是及物动词。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。

Mrs White knew that prices always rose.怀特太太知道价钱总在上升。She raised her glass to Mr Wang.她向王先生(碰杯)敬酒。His father has raised cattle for five years.他的父亲饲养牲畜已五年了。3. hang(悬挂)与hang(吊死、绞死)的区别hang -hung- hung -hanging(悬挂) ;hang- hanged- hanged- hanging( 绞死、吊死)。

He will be hanged as a spy tomorrow afternoon.明天下午他将作为特工被绞死。In the hall are hung two paintings that you've never seen before.大厅里悬挂两幅图画是你以前没见过的。4.sit、set与seat的区别①sit- sat- sat坐(不及物动词,sitdown"坐下”)②set-set-set“放、摆、使坐下”,及物动词。

③seat“就座”,及物动词,后常跟反身代词(seat oneself,或者用be seated。)She was sitting on (in) an easy chair.她坐在安乐椅上。

We sat talking for some time.我们坐着攀谈了一会。He set the fan on the desk.他把电风扇摆在课桌上。

Mother set her baby in the chair.母亲让孩子坐在椅子上。Please be seated. = Please seat yourself.请坐。5. wake, waken, awake与awaken的区别①wake最常用,多用于口语,表现醒来叫醒,有时也表现叫醒、提醒。

wake还常与up连用( wake up) ;②waken 意思和wake差不多,只是更多地用于文学语言中,多用作及物动词,有时可替代wake ;③awake 和awaken 通常不指睡觉中醒来方面的意义。而是指一种思想唤起一小我私家的觉悟、觉醒或引发种情感,或意识到某种危险而惊醒。

总之,awake和awaken常用的是“醒"的引申义、比喻义,不是“醒”的详细行为行动。awake和awaken没什么区别,只是awake作不及物动词时较多,awaken作及物动词时较多。例如:Wake up! Wake up! It's time to go to school.醒醒!醒醒!该上学去了。She was wakened by the sound. 她被声音吵醒了。

You must awake to the fact that failure will mean disgrace.你必须意识到失败即是羞耻We must awaken the people to the dangers facing our factory.我们必须叫醒人民,危险已降临厂门。At the beginning I paid little attention, but slowly my interestawoke.开始我不注意,但逐步地我的兴趣来了。注意:awake还可作表语形容词。

awake与waking的区别有点儿像asleep和sleeping的区别。说very awake是错的,要说flully awake或wide-awake(完全醒着)。例如:Is he awake or asleep?他是醒着,还是睡着呢?I have lain awake all night thinking of them.我今夜未眠,在想这些事。

The coffee I drank before going to bed kept me wide awake almost all night.临睡前我喝的咖啡弄得我险些一夜没睡着。6. let's与let us的区别let’s 用于提建议,表现“我们一起...…”Iet us意思有两个:一是许可别人做某事;一是请别人许可自己做某事。Let’s go for a walk.咱们去散散步吧。

Let's not talk of that matter.咱们别谈那件事了。(注意let's的否形式为let's not)If he were you, he would let us go.如果他是你,他会让我们去的。

"Let us go away! Let us out, or we'll kill the crew!”eried the hiackes.“让我们脱离!让我们走,否则我们就杀死全部机组人员!”劫机者吼叫着。注意当let's,let us组成反意疑问句时,有所差别:Let's go to school, shall we?Let us start at once, will you?7. experience与experiment的区别①experience作动词,意为“履历某种事情和情感”,作名词意为“履历”;②experiment作动词, 意为“做实验”,作名词意为“实验”。He has experienced the two world wars.他曾履历过二次世界大战。

The men who first experimented with planes hoped to imitatetheflightofbirds.那些首先使用飞机做实验的人是想模拟鸟的航行。8. used to和be used to的区别(used to是“已往经常”,used to do sth.指“ 已往习惯做什么或经常做什么”。这里的used to后接不定式,而且只用于已往式。

例如:?be used to表现“习惯于做什么事情”,后接名词或者动词-ing.有时be used to也表现“被用来做什么事情”,在此意义中,后接不(定式。When Tom was a lttle boy, he used to like swimming. 当汤姆是小孩时,他经常喜欢游泳。She was not used to Japanese dishes. 她不习惯吃日本菜。

He is used to living in the south of China他习惯住在中国南方。Nylon is used to make stoclkings.尼龙被用制造袜子。(被动语态)9. marry、be married与be married to的区别①marry是及物动词,表现“和.....完婚”,不加任何介词②be married中的married是形容词,表现婚姻状态③be married to表现“和....完婚”,be可用get取代。

例如:She married Robert.她和罗伯特结了婚。不能说: She married with Robert. Are you married or single? 你完婚了,还是只身?She has been married to Mr Zhang for a year.她和张先生完婚已一年了。

但不能说She has got married for a year. (因为get married不表现状态。)。


