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半岛官方下载地址|侃营销 | 什么是Marketing?(原创 · 双语版)

类别:公司新闻   发布时间:2023-12-09 00:14:03   浏览:


营销是适合所有人的吗?| IS MARKETING FOR EVERYONE?如果有人告诉你,有效的营销对于适口可乐(Coca-Cola)或路虎(Land Rover)等知名品牌至关重要,你可能会欣然同意。可是,小型企业是否需要思量他们的营销? 对于都会来说, 营销对他们有用吗? 像英国外洋志愿服务社(VSO)这样的慈善机构是否有可能花时间思考其营销计谋呢? 固然,市场营销从不行能会与教堂这样的庄严机构有联系。If someone told you that effective marketing was crucial in large companies with well-known brands like Coca-Cola or Land Rover you might readily agree. Do smaller firms need to think about their marketing? How about cities – can marketing ideas be useful to them? Is it possible that a charity like VSO could usefully spend time thinking about its marketing strategy? Cathedral – surely marketing could never be something that might concern that august institution!还得不到谜底吧?那么,我们就从一个简朴的问题开始:什么是营销?许多人认为营销只是销售和广告。


营销的目的是为客户缔造价值并获取价值。We’ll start with a simple question: What is marketing? Many people think of marketing only as selling and advertising. Even if you have chosen to study marketing deliberately and with forethought, you might think the same. However, selling and advertising are only the tip of the marketing iceberg. Simply put, marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. The aim of marketing is to create value for customers and to capture value in return.今天,市场营销必须从满足主顾需求的新角度来明白,而不是以往意义上的“讲与卖”。如果营销人员能够很好地明白消费者的需求,开发出能够提供更好的客户价值的产物和服务,而且能够有效地举行价钱、分销和促销,那么这些产物就很容易销售。因此,销售和广告只是更大的“营销组合”的一部门——这是一组一起事情以满足客户需求和建设客户关系的营销工具。

Today, marketing must be understood not in the old sense of making a sale – ‘telling and selling’ – but in the new sense of satisfying customer needs. If the marketer does a good job of understanding consumer needs, develops products and services that provide superior customer value, and prices, distributes and promotes them effectively, these products will sell very easily. Thus, selling and advertising are only part of a larger ‘marketing mix’ – a set of marketing tools that work together to satisfy customer needs and build customer relationships.说了那么多,我们先从一个“不相干”的案例开始分析(PS:能力有限,案例就不翻译了hhh)案例分析:欧洲足球市场世界上最大的体育赛事是什么?可能我们都有自己的看法,但如果你权衡一些因素,如电视观众数量,涉及的国家或团队数量,收入和支出以及让世界大部门地域陷入停滞的能力。那么这前五名可能就是世界杯(the World Cup)、夏季奥林匹克运动会(the summer Olympic Games),欧洲足球锦标赛(the European Football Championship),超级碗(the Super Bowl)和欧洲冠军联赛(the European Champions League)。在这五个赛事中,三个是足球角逐,其中两个由欧洲足球协会——欧洲足球协会同盟(以下简称“欧足联”)监视。但这其中有许多利害关系:地域和民族自豪感,数十亿的全球电视观众,以及大量的款项。


事实上,欧足联的营销部门凭据人员、资源和营销业务的责任,分为了四个子部门,每个部门都有自己的重点。1. 营销和媒体筹谋部。这个部门为所有欧足联角逐制定营销和媒体计谋 - 欧洲冠军联赛,欧洲同盟杯,欧洲足球锦标赛以及不太重要的角逐,如女子足球,低级锦标赛和种种“五人制足球”角逐,它卖力与互助同伴商定条款和条件,然后与这些互助同伴保持深厚的关系。

2. 营销和媒体治理部(简称“UMMM”)。这个部门属于欧足联的商业部门,卖力从竞赛的赞助和许可中获得收入,并治理与所有相关商业同伴的关系。从本质上讲,这个部门出售与着名和令人兴奋的国际运动相关的权利。


为大型锦标赛制作了许多商品 - 复制品队,足球,甚至是桌子上的物品,如鼠标垫和咖啡杯。3. 营销和媒体技术部门(简称“UMT”)。

是欧足联建立的服务子部门,以多媒体内容支持和赞助互助同伴。它与电视台联系,试图确保最佳的赛事播放笼罩规模(如转播)。除此之外,该部门还越来越多地到场支持欧足联的在线业务 - 无论是提供和维护统计数据库,还是销售可下载的赛事回播记载,以维持和生长与粉丝的关系。

4. 通讯和公共事务部(简称“CPAD”)。这个部门卖力公共关系运动,例如写稿以及支持记者运动。该部门还卖力欧足联与种种慈善机构和社会团体建设精密俩逆袭。





Marketing, more than any other business function, deals with customers. Although we will soon explore more detailed definitions of marketing, perhaps the simplest definition is this one: marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. 宜家的愿景是“为许多人缔造更优美的日常生活”。戴尔是小我私家盘算机行业的向导者,一直接纳直销的模式,设计、制造并提供贴合客户要求的产物与服务,并将其快速交付抵家中或办公室。这些乐成的公司都知道,如果他们关注他们的客户,市场份额和利润将随之而来。

IKEA’s vision is to ‘create a better everyday life for the many people’. Dell is a leader in the personal computer industry by consistently making good on its promise to ‘be direct’. Dell makes it easy for customers to custom-design their own computers and have them delivered quickly to their home or office. These and other highly successful companies know that if they take care of their customers, market share and profits will follow. 营销就在你身边。你可以在购物商场中看到营销的结果,固然,你也可以在电视屏幕、杂志广告上看到。


在这一切的背后,是一个庞大的人际网络和种种运动在争夺你的注意力和购置。You already know a lot about marketing – it is all around you. You see the results of marketing in the abundance of products in your nearby department store. You see marketing in the advertisements on your TV screen, your magazine pages that arrive in the post or border your web pages. At home, where you work, and where you study, you see marketing in almost everything you do. Yet there is much more to marketing than meets the consumer’s casual eye. Behind it all is a massive network of people and activities competing for your attention and purchases.干货:市场营销界说 Marketing defined广义而言,营销是一个社会和治理历程,通过这个历程,小我私家和组织通过与他人缔造和交流价值来获得他们需要和想要的工具。

狭义地说,营销涉及与客户建设有利可图并从客户那里获取价值的相互关系。因此,我们将营销界说为公司为客户缔造价值并建设牢靠的客户关系以便从客户那里获取价值的历程。Broadly defined, marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and organisations obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others. In a narrower business context, marketing involves building profitable, value-creating exchange relationships with customers. Hence, we define marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.干货:市场营销历程 The marketing process图1.1凭据我自身所学的知识,给出了一个简朴的营销历程的五步模型。

在前四个步骤中,公司致力于相识消费者、缔造客户价值和建设强大的客户关系。在最后一步,公司将获得缔造卓越客户价值的回报。通过为消费者缔造价值,它们又以销售、利润和恒久客户权益的形式从消费者那里获取价值。Figure 1.1 presents a simple five-step model of the marketing process. In the first four steps, companies work to understand consumers, create customer value and build strong customer relationships. In the final step, companies reap the rewards of creating superior customer value. By creating value for consumers, they in turn capture value from consumers in the form of sales, profits and long-term customer equity.好了,今天的干货到这里就竣事了,我们下期再见哟。



